1. Yellow Kidney remembers the story of Seco-Mo- Muckon and the firehorn.
2. The moral of the story is the indignation over Seco- Mo- Muckon treachery because after he lied, he died.
3. Yellow kidney changes while staying in the war lodge because he now feels like he can return home to his family, and can do more with his knubs.
4. The two riders decided to go the war lodge in the pines so they could rest because their was hardtack and jerky and coffee.
5.The events that are motivating the rider to want to kill an Indian are the death of Charles Ransom and the rape of his wife.
6.Yellow Kidneys new plan is to go to Cutthroat country, take some horses, and then return to his family.
7.Yellow Kidney wants to name his grandson Yellow Calf.
8.The death scene of Yellow Kidney, was brutal. The slug went through him and the second and third shots were meaningless because his heart had already exploded and there was splatter all over the backrest. Yellow Kidney lay dead on his side with a long otter-wrapped braid flung across his open eyes.
9.The son of the rider responds to the death of Yellow Kidney was by vomiting up the pieces of the hardtack that he had chewed before.
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