Sunday, April 3, 2011

Night Chapter Three Questions

1. The people from the cattle car left behind everything they brought with them, and their illusions.

2. The last time Elie saw his mother she was stroking Tzipora hair as thought to protect her.

3. He never saw her again because they were separated and the mother and sister were killed.

4. The man that fell down behind Elie was shot by an SS man.

5. The prisoner tells Elie and his father these new ages because any younger or older would be killed.

6. Elie described Dr. Mengele as a typical SS officer: a cruel face, but not devoid of intelligence, and wearing a monocle.

7.Some prisoners argued that they had to do something, they couldn't just be killed. They believed they had to revolt.

8. Elie thought him and his father were going to die when they were marching toward the pit.

9. Elie will never forget his first night at camp. He will never forget the smoke, or the faces of the children. He will never forget the flames, and the nocturnal silence.

10. Elie said that the men were finally equal because they were all naked.

11. Bela Katz had to put his father's body in the crematory oven because he was a strong man.

12. The men were disinfected when they were soaked in petrol and took a hot shower.

13. There were tables with piles of prison clothes and as they ran by trousers, tunic shirt, and socks were thrown at them.

14. Elie had stopped being able to feel instincts of self- preservation and of pride.

15. I think this means that he was physically their but he himself, his personality, and feelings were all gone.

16. The choice is either they work or they go to the crematory.

17. When the gypsy hits his father Elie did nothing.

18. He feels guilty that he did not react or stand up for his father.

19. This was ironic because liberty means free and theses Jews were not free. They were forced to work or they were going to die.

20.The young pole told the men that they should not lose courage, because they have escaped the biggest danger. He said they should "muster their strength and not lose heart."

21. Elie response to what the young pole said was that they were the first human words.

22. The prisoners got a plate of thick soup for each person.

23. Elie response to the food was the spoiled child he'd always been. His father swallowed his ration.

24. Elie told Stein his family was doing good in Antwerp and the truth was they hadn't heard from them.

25. Stein was Reizel's husband. Reizel was Elies mom's niece. Stein wants to know how his family is.

26.Elie and his father tell each other that their mother is young and daughter old and they were fine. The actual truth is their probably dad.

27. After Auschwitz they were sent to Buna.

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