Sunday, June 12, 2011

Fools Crow Quiz Ch 30- 33

1.Who does Fast Horse return to the Lone Eaters? (30)

2. What does Fools Crow say woman don't do so easily? (31)

3. In the place Fools Crow is at, what does not happen their? (31)

4. Why does Fools Crow think he was brought to this place? (31)

5. What does Rides at the Door have to do with Kills CLose to the Lake, and Running Fisher? (32)

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Chapter 30

Chapter 30:

"He had returned Yellow Kidney.",r:27,s:133&tx=42&ty=58&biw=1805&bih=980

Chapter 29

Chapter 29:

"I will pray for you. my husband, but you must promise me that you will return. You must promise me!"

Chapters 28

Chapter 28:

blackfeet tribal council with government Indian agency about 1900

"All the men's societies had been represented"

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Chapter 27 summary

In Chapter 27, Fast Horse is traveling with Owl Child and his Gang. They find a war lodge set up and Fast Horse decides to go check it out. He sees a Pikuni man laying on his side. The man has a braid wrapped with otter. He looks and see the man has no fingers and realizes he has found Yellow Kidney dead. Fast Horse then reflects on how he killed him.

Chapter 26 Summary

In Chapter 26 of Fools Crow by James Welch Pretty on Top comes with a Napikwan to warn the Lone Eaters about the dangerous small pox. He explains to them that they must turn away all visitors that come, until they have been properly vaccinated with the "juice." They discuss what to do if there relatives show up, and whether or not to turn them away. They think that maybe they should move and join a different group until cold maker goes away. They decide that maybe together they can come up with a solution.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Chapter 24+25 Questions

1. The Pikuni Chiefs are going to meet the Napikwans, to take about a new treaty.

2.Rides at the Door is unhappy because this would be the last of the friendly meetings with the Napikwans.

3.Heavy Runner's supports the Napikwans and this clouds his judgement on what is right for the Pikunis

4.Heavy Runner learned to write his name with a stick that squirted black juice.

5.Heavy Runner begins to worry because they weren't greeted and the Napikwans weren't ready for them.

6.Long Teeth was a white many faces man who had come to camp with the lone eaters.

7. A table is described as sqare platforms with legs.

8.Heavy Runner wants sugar with his coffee.

9. The Grandfather is the leader of the Napikwans

10. The Napikwans are disappointed because the Pikunis major chiefs had chose not to attend.

11.Sully's predicament is that he is going to have to propose the treaty with the chiefs that showed up, he also knows that the treaty is going to punish the blackfoot severly.

12. The three points of the meeting are first the arrest of Owl Child, they have to return all stolen Napikwan horse, and all killing will cease and their will be peace.

13.The Pikunis respond to sullys demands by agreeing to try and meet all demands, and kill Owl Child.

14.Sully says that they were not succuessful in engaging the other Pikuni chiefs because if they had shown up they might have avoided a conflict that can only go bad for your people. This ironic because the chiefs are vital to saving the blackfoot but they were all drunk and couldn't make it to the meeting.

15.Heavy Runner and the others request to sign a peace of paper for the treaty.

Chapter 25

  1. The character at the beginning of this chapter is "overwhelmed by this country that his companions took for granted," and he thinks that life is "destined to go on forever." Although we don't know his name we know that he was a miner from Atlanta, Georgia who is headed to the Montana Territory to go mine there to find gold.
  2. Fast Horse ambushed some of the Napikwans with Owl child and his gang and Fast Horse took their many-shots gun and the other weapons.
  3. Owl Child and his followers ambushed the Napikwan wagons. They took the items that they needed.
  4. Fast Horse is concerned because they struck too close to their people's camps this time.
  5. Owl Child is different because usually he would mock Fast Horse for saying that but this time he agrees with Fast Horse. He is fearing the Napikwans will blame Mountain Chief instead.
  6. At the end of the chapter, Fast Horse thinks Owl Child's days are numbered, but he doesn't know why it is.

Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chapter 22 Questions

1. Mik-Api's Wife was part of the Black Paints Tribe and she died two years after they had been married.

2.Mik-Api knew he wouldn't marry again by the time he was of 35 winters because he knew that nobody would marry him because people feared his powers.

3.Red Paint intended to surprise her father Yellow Kidney that she was pregnant.

4.Red Paint wanted her father to name the baby.

5.The visitor that told Mik-Api that Fools Crow had went to find Fast Horse was Raven.

6.Mik-Api predicts that the Napikwans are going to attack before the many-drums moon.

7.Red Paint is afraid for the future of her family and her people, of Fools Crow and herself.

8. Joe Kipp thinks the world of the Pikunis, that they are some horse-takers, and that either way they are going to lose in the end.

9.Three Bears and the others decide that they will wait for the other groups to get Joe Kipps message and then Rides at the Door will represent the Lone Eaters at the seizer.

10.The White Man's Water make the men and woman make bad decisions and act unrationally. The woman are starting to drink it and are becoming "ugly".

1. One Spot gets attacked by a rabid wolf and becomes very sick and hurt.

2.The Wolf is rabid.

3.Fools Crow washes One Spot off and wraps him tightly up and burns grasses. He does this like Mik-Api taught him because Mik-Api is away.

4.One Spot ends up calming down and eventually relaxes.

Chapter 21 Questions

1. Yellow Kidney remembers the story of Seco-Mo- Muckon and the firehorn.

2. The moral of the story is the indignation over Seco- Mo- Muckon treachery because after he lied, he died.

3. Yellow kidney changes while staying in the war lodge because he now feels like he can return home to his family, and can do more with his knubs.

4. The two riders decided to go the war lodge in the pines so they could rest because their was hardtack and jerky and coffee.

5.The events that are motivating the rider to want to kill an Indian are the death of Charles Ransom and the rape of his wife.

6.Yellow Kidneys new plan is to go to Cutthroat country, take some horses, and then return to his family.

7.Yellow Kidney wants to name his grandson Yellow Calf.

8.The death scene of Yellow Kidney, was brutal. The slug went through him and the second and third shots were meaningless because his heart had already exploded and there was splatter all over the backrest. Yellow Kidney lay dead on his side with a long otter-wrapped braid flung across his open eyes.

9.The son of the rider responds to the death of Yellow Kidney was by vomiting up the pieces of the hardtack that he had chewed before.

Fools Crow:Reading Questions Ch.20 and 21

1. The dog Fools Crow finds a black and white dog, his shoulder crushed and matted. Most of his tongue was gone and he had cuts hanging from his open belly. Most his tail was eaten away.

2. Fools Crow finds white jagged objects, Napikwan clothes, a bed, eating platform, seats, and large wooden objects.

3. The round shiny things are plates.

4. Fools Crow is imagining ghosts of Napikwans, ghost of the dog, and ghosts of the horses.

5. Fools Crow teaches One Spot and Good Young Man how to select the right wood for their bows and arrows.

6. They had to cut the wood frames and stretch the rawhide and sew it over them. Then they threw the saddle in the river and caught it, and flung it over a dry-meat rack.

7. The only real memories that Yellow Kidney had were of the day and nights in the Spotted Horse camp, waiting, wishing to die.

8. Yellow Kidney leaves because he is unhappy and wants to relieve the tribe of his burden. He goes to the camp of the Spotted Horse People.

9. Owls Child regards Fools crow as a "friend" to Fast Horse. He teases that he is a member of the Lone Eaters and does womans work.

10. In the encounter between Fools Crow and Fast Horse they could tell they are no longer friends and lead completely different lives.

11. Fast Horse tells Fools crow he should tell Boss Ribs that he couldn't find him.

12. Fast Horse says he became hateful because Cold Maker betrayed him and he didn't become powerful like he was promised.,r:13,s:0&biw=1024&bih=858

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Smoke Signal Movie

There are naby stereotypes about contemporary Native Americans expressed in the film "smoke signals." First, the way they talk and the accents given could be portrayed as a stereotype. The characters in the movie all have long hair and the same physical appearance. Thomas even had his hair braided and Victor says a "man aint nothing without his hair." The movie showed a Native American radio progranm with its lack of a real traffic report and none of the modern technology.

Another stereotype in the movie was all the chanting and singing that occured. It also expressed the Native Americans connection with nature such as wind and birds. The movie displayed the stereotype of Native American gender roles with the woman cooking and taking care of the house. This displayed male dominance and power.

Throughout the movie they made references to signing papers, hinting at Native American treaty agreements, Indian trading, bardering, and oral traditions, or passing down of stories. At one point in the movie the boys were on the bus and white cowboys wouldn't move. This made a reference to territorial disputes and whites versus Native American conflicts. In the movie it leaned towards all Native Americans living on reservations and not using much transportation but walking everywhere.

Lastly, the movie portrays a lot of drinking, names associated with war, and the stereotypical way that a Native American is suppose to act or behave.

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Sundance Festival,r:2,s:0&tx=84&ty=82,r:5,s:64&tx=117&ty=65,r:5,s:64&tx=117&ty=65

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Chapter 8 summary

In Chapter 8 Yellow Kidney returns to the lone eaters and tells his story of how he got captured by the Crows and they chopped off all his fingers. He tells of his whole journey through the camp and how he almost escaped but Fast Horse was being loud. He tells of hiding in a tipi with young girls who all had white scabs disease. He got pleasure from one of the girls and then realized she too had this disease. He was sent off after they chopped his fingers off. He was sure he was going to die but ended up making it to a camp where the people cared for him. Yellow Kid told this whole story to the camp. After they decided to feast and put off going to the trading camps. They also decided that they had to banish Fast Horse before Yellow Kidney had a chance to get revenge.

Fools Crow Chapters 6 and 7

1. Teepee/ War lodge, dress decorations, spoons, saddles, reins, halters, rattles, fly swatters.

2. Red Paint is the daughter of Yellow Kidney and Heavy Shield Woman.

3. White man's Dog confronts fast horse about fulfilling his promise to the cold maker. White Man's Dog believes the Cold Maker is holding Yellow Kidney until he does.

4. White Man's Dog follows the Raven to the White Man's trap where the Skunk Bear was trapped. He freed the Skunk Bear.
 5. Three Bears is upset with Owls Child because he is killing the Napikwans and stealing their horses.

6. He tells White man's Dog of when he was young and went out stealing horse. He talks about the presence of the Napikwans. He explains when he became one of the many faces. He tells of the "death" of Head Carrier.

Monday, May 2, 2011

Fool Crow

Dear Diary,

I White Mans Dog am nobody. I have no woman or an animal to connect to. I am lonely and everybody sees me as nothing, but I am going to prove them wrong when I help steal the horses from the Crows. I am going to act brave and as a leader, helping lead the men safely out with the horses. We got the horses and  I was a leader, who overcame my fear but something is bothering me. Along the way of getting out I had to kill a young night rider. He spotted me so I rode at him and stabbed him, until he fell down. The worse part of the whole thing was that he was not a man but was young. I have killed a young boy not a man.

White Mans Dog

Friday, April 15, 2011

Chapter 8 and 9 Questions Night

Section 1 pg 99-102

1. When they arrived at Buchenwald the prisoners were asked to form fives.

2.Elie's father said to take pity on him. He had no strength left and just wanted to lie down.

3.Elie points out all the corpses around them of all the men that layed down to rest.

4. Elie was disappointed in himself for thinking that it was alright to leave his father behind.

5.Bringing his father a cup of coffee gave him his father this much satisfaction.

6. Elie wouldn't stay with his father because he had to go to work.

7.Elie's father wasn't given anything to eat because they didnt't want to waste food on someone that was going to die anyways.

8. Elies father ran around like a ghost, silently and Elie was unsure why.

Section 2 pg 102-103

9. Elies father has dysentery, extreme diarrea.

10. Elie brings his father bread and his food to try and help him. As a result of this effort he does not change his fathers ultimate death.

Section 3 pg 104

11. The other prisoners beat Elie's father because he has food and keeps making a mess (pooping) everywhere.

12. Elie gives his father water when he shouldn't. He does this inspite of knowing he shouldn't because his father begs him.

Section 4 pg 104-106

13. The head of the block tells Elie to stop giving his father his food because it won't help, he is dieing.

14.He agrees that he knows his father will die but stands by him because he feels guilty.

15. The last time Elie's father saw him he was bloody and sick and hurt.

Section 5 pg 106

16.  It was unknown whether Elies father was alive or dead when he was taken to the crematory.

17. Elie did not cry when he found out that his father was dead because he had no more tears left.

18. Another response to his father's death was that he felt sad and his last words were Elie's name.

Section 1 pg 107

1. Elie's one thought in ten days was having soup, even just a drop.

Section 2 pg 107-108

2. The SS officer was late in counting them, taking roll. This type of delay was unknown.

3. The childeren were ordered to go back to their blocks.

4. The announcement at the general roll call was that they were going to start evacuating.

Section 3 pg 108

5.On April 10, 1945 armed men suddenly showed up everywhere. The childeren laid down in their blocks.

6.The first American tank showed up at the gate of Buchenwald on April 10.

Section 3 pg 109

7. The first act of now free Buchenwald was to throw themselves in provisions.

8.Elie thinks that maybe they should have thought of something else beside bread

When Elie saw himself in the mirror he saw a corpse gazing back at him.

Elie Wiesel- Night,r:6,s:0&tx=78&ty=70

Chapter 7 Questions Night

Section 1 pg 93-95

1.Elie does not care if he dies or lives because eventally he is going to die anyways.

2. What Elie saw was a "tangle of human shapes, heads sunk upon shoulders, crouched, piled one on top of another."

3. He wanted to call out to his father because he was weak.

4. The living celebrate to have more room.

5. Elie's father was almost thrown out with the dead.

6. The next ten days were tough. They stayed one on top of another, and every town they passed through they were starred at.

7. The German workers wanted to watch the men fight each other for food.

Section 2 pg 95-96

8. It was very ironic because instead of helping she was hurting the charitable.

9. His son killed him over a piece of bread.

10. The old man's son was killed for a piece of bread.

11. He ends the section to remind the reader of how young he was when he went through all the stuff he experienced.

Section 3 pg 96-98
12.Elie was being strangled when his father called out to Meir Katz.

13. This is suprising because he is the strongest and toughest. He is left in charge of everyone and nobody though that he would break down.

14. The whole entire train crys.

Section 4 pg 98

15. When they journey began there was 100 people in the car and at the end there was only 12.

16. This trip ended in Buchenwald.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Chapter 5 part 2 Night

Section 7 pg 70-72

1. The prisoners think that the men are left behind because they are going to be sent to the crematory while the others go to work.

2. Elie's father gives him the knife and spoon as an iheritance because that is all he has left.

Section 8 pg 72
3. Elie walked around work that day as if he was "sleepwalking" because he was thinking about whether his father was going to make the second selection or not.

4. His father was helping him even then because everybody was treating him nicely. The kapo was treating him nicely and gave him an easy job because they felt sorry that his dad was going through.

5.Elie gave his father back his spoon and knife.This was important because his father was still alive.

Section 9 pg 72-73

6. Akiba Drumer was selected during the selection to be sent to the crematory. During his last days his eyes were glazed over and he was weak.

7.Elie thinks that Akiba Drumers belief in God was the only thing that could have saved him.

Section 10 pg 73-75

8. On Christmas Eve and New Year's prisoners got no work and got thicker soup then usual.

9. Elie had to have an operation necause his foot was swollen and had pus in it.

10. When he got put in the infirmary he remembered that people got sheets.

11. The man in the neighboring bed tells Elie to get out of the hospital before the next selection.

Section 11 pg 75-76

12. Elie's greatest fear after the operation is that they amputated his leg. This would have caused him to probably not make it through the next selection.

13. His foot was filled with pus.

Section 12 pg 76-77

14.The infirmary neighbor has more faith in Hitler than anyone else because he was the only one that always did what he said and kept his promises.

Section 13 pg 77

15. As the Russians get closer the Nazis decide that they will leave the camp and walk.

Section 14 pg 77-78

16. The rumors that are circulating around the camp  are that the camp is going to be mined and the the invalids will be killed and brought to the crematory.

17. Elie and his father decide that they are going to leave with everyone else.

Section 15 pg 78

18. I think the decison in number 17 was a safe decision but it ended up staying would have brought them freedom.

Section 16 pg 78-79

19.As Elie waits for the evacuation begins Elie is reminded of his mothers last word at the ghetto.

20. The condition of Elie's foot was not good, it was burning with pain.

Section 17 pg 79-80

21.For protection for his foot, Elie had a blanket.

22. The rumors were that the destination was in Czechoslavakia, Gros- Rosen, or Gleiwitz.

23. The time of the day of the departure is 6pm because the Nazis wanted the cover of darkness.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Chapter Five Night part 1

Section 1 pg 63

1.When Elie asks the questions at the end of the section, Elie is doubting God, asking What are you, My God?

Section 2 pg 63-65
2. Elie explains to himself that man is stronger than God, because while all these terrible things are happening like being burned, and tortured, man still prays to God.

3.At the end of the section Elie and his father understand that the are both tired and "beaten". Neither of them could muster a smile onto their faces.

Section 3 pg 65-66

4. On the day of Atonement a good jew should fast on this day.

5. Elie decides to eat his dinner because he saw it as a gesture of rebellion, and protest against God.

Section 4 pg 66-67

6. Selection is the process in which the SS men look over all the men and select the weak ones to be sent to the crematory. People that are selected are called a musulman.

7.Elie is most afraid that he showing that he is afraid. The head of the block said  the essential thing is don't be afraid

Section 5 pg 67-69

8.The advice Elie gets on how to pass the selection is don't show that you are scared, run straight ahead don't go slow, and don't look at the SS look straight ahead of down.

9. Elie dosn't have time to see anything as he is running through his selection. When he makes it through he asked his friends if he had been written down.

10. Elies response to "passing" was happiness, nobody else mattered but himself. Others that didn't make it through the selection were crying.

Section 6 pg 69-70

11. Elie's father gives him half a ration of bread in celebration of passing the selection.

12. When Elie thinks of a better world, he dreams of a universe with no bells.

Night Elie Wiesel

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


Chapter 4 part 2 Night questions

Section 6 pg 50-51

1. Idek beat Elie up because Elie was in the way.
2. The French Prisoner said "Bite your lip, little brother... Don't cry. Keep your anger and hatred for another day, for later on. The day will come, but not now...Wait. Grit your teeth and wait..."
3.The next time Elie saw the french girl was in Paris on the Metro many years later. They recognized eachother and talked about how she was really Jewish.

Section 7 pg 52

4. Elie was furious with his father when Idek beat his father because Elie thought his father should know how to avoid Idek, and stay out of his fury.

Section 8 pg 52-54

5.To force Elie to"give" him his gold crowned tooth Franek was he kept beating Elie's father when he wouldn't march right.
6.Franek charged Elie his ration of bread to take out his crowned tooth.
7. Elies tooth was pulled out with a rusty spoon.

Section 9 pg 54

8. Elie laughed at Idek halfnaked with a young Polish girl on a matress, this concerned Idek.

Section 10 pg 54-56

9.Elie layed across a box and was whipped twenty five times, after he lauged at Idek and the young girl.
10.Elie thinks that his father suffered more then he did when he was whipped.

Section 11 pg 56-58
11.In the incident of the unguarded cauldrons of soup, they were unguarded because their had been air raid sirens and the guards left their lookout posts.
12. The man that crawld to the soup ended up dying when they were bombed.
13. The prisoners were happy when their camp was bombed becuase that meant their were people fighting the Germans. The allies were doing the bombing.

Section 12 pg 58-60
14. The Nazis insisted that the prisoners watch the hanging and take this as a warning and example.
15.Before he was hanged that man said " Long live liberty! A curse upom Germany! A curse...A cur..."
16.Elie tells the reader that the soup he ate after the execution was excellent that night because he was alive.

Section 13 pg 60-62
17.The young boy was hanged because he was qustioned and refused to tell anything. The older adult Oberkapo had blown up a electric power station at Buna and the young boy reused to  say anything when questioned.
18.The man behind Elie asked Where is God? Where is He?, at the young boys hanging.
19. It took so long for the young boy to die because he was so light that he didn't instintly get killed when the chair was pushed away.
20. Elie's inner answer to the question, Where is god?, was he is hanging here on this gallows.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Chapter 4 Night

Section 1pg 45

They entered Buna, and the camp seemed empty. There were some prisoners but otherwise it was deserted. They showered off and then met the leader of the camp.They were all given new clothes and were put into two tents. The other prisoners returned to the tents and told them that Buna was a good camp.

Section 2 Pg 45-46

1.The man in charge of Elie's tent was a German who had an assasin's face, fleshy lips, hands like a wolf's paws, and was so fat he could hardly move.

2.Elie kept his shoes by refusing to trade them with the boy, but he ended up getting his shoes taken away in the end.

Section 3 pg 46-49

3. Elie had a gold crown so therefore his name got added to the list

4. Elies unit and the rest of the units had to stop in the orchestra block to all follow the march correctly.

5. The musicians were not allowed to play Beethoven becuase Jews were not allowed to play German music.

6. Elies unit is going to work in a warehouse where they count electical fittings and bulbs.

7. Elie became friends with Yossi and Tibi. They both lost their parents and belonged to a Zionist group.

8. The thre boys decided that if they lived till the liberation that they would not stay in Europe they would leave.

Section 4 pg 49

9. The prisoners in the musician block were entilted to food and privileges.

10. Alphonse was the block leader and he tried to organize extra good for the young people in "his" block.

Section 5 pg 49-50

12. Elie had to go to the dentist to get his crown removed. Elie prevented this by saying he wasn't feeling well.

13. The dentist was later sent to prison and hanged. He had supposibly been running a private traffic of his own in the prisoners' gold teeth.

14.Elie described himself  as a body. His whole life was made up of bread and soup. He was a starved stomach that was aware of the passage of time.

15. In Chapter 4, the Nazis have dehumanized the prisoners by having them have numbers instead of names. They were counted off like cattle and traded. They were fed little bread and soup. They had to give up everything they owned and were treated like slaves. If they did something wrong, or was just in the wrong place at the wrong time they were beaten and punished.

At the end of the selection Elie says that he is no longer human because when his father gets beaten he blames his father for not knowing how to avoid it, instead of blaming the man that beat him. Elie says that is what concentration camp life has made of me.


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Night Chapter Three Questions

1. The people from the cattle car left behind everything they brought with them, and their illusions.

2. The last time Elie saw his mother she was stroking Tzipora hair as thought to protect her.

3. He never saw her again because they were separated and the mother and sister were killed.

4. The man that fell down behind Elie was shot by an SS man.

5. The prisoner tells Elie and his father these new ages because any younger or older would be killed.

6. Elie described Dr. Mengele as a typical SS officer: a cruel face, but not devoid of intelligence, and wearing a monocle.

7.Some prisoners argued that they had to do something, they couldn't just be killed. They believed they had to revolt.

8. Elie thought him and his father were going to die when they were marching toward the pit.

9. Elie will never forget his first night at camp. He will never forget the smoke, or the faces of the children. He will never forget the flames, and the nocturnal silence.

10. Elie said that the men were finally equal because they were all naked.

11. Bela Katz had to put his father's body in the crematory oven because he was a strong man.

12. The men were disinfected when they were soaked in petrol and took a hot shower.

13. There were tables with piles of prison clothes and as they ran by trousers, tunic shirt, and socks were thrown at them.

14. Elie had stopped being able to feel instincts of self- preservation and of pride.

15. I think this means that he was physically their but he himself, his personality, and feelings were all gone.

16. The choice is either they work or they go to the crematory.

17. When the gypsy hits his father Elie did nothing.

18. He feels guilty that he did not react or stand up for his father.

19. This was ironic because liberty means free and theses Jews were not free. They were forced to work or they were going to die.

20.The young pole told the men that they should not lose courage, because they have escaped the biggest danger. He said they should "muster their strength and not lose heart."

21. Elie response to what the young pole said was that they were the first human words.

22. The prisoners got a plate of thick soup for each person.

23. Elie response to the food was the spoiled child he'd always been. His father swallowed his ration.

24. Elie told Stein his family was doing good in Antwerp and the truth was they hadn't heard from them.

25. Stein was Reizel's husband. Reizel was Elies mom's niece. Stein wants to know how his family is.

26.Elie and his father tell each other that their mother is young and daughter old and they were fine. The actual truth is their probably dad.

27. After Auschwitz they were sent to Buna.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Elie Wiesel

Night Vocab Paragraph

In the story "Night" by Elie Wiesel, the Jewish people are all put into two ghettos. Elie was a young Jewish boy who was studying the Talmud and the mysticism of the cabbala. They were then told that they were getting deported. Before leaving they gathered in the synagogue and waited. The days before they had listened to the radio, and it told them heartening news on the bombardment of Germany. This gave them the notion that the war was going to end.They were then loaded on to trains where they began their journey. They were then put in lorries. When they arrived at Auschwitz they didn't realize they would be exterminated, but the stench of burning flesh was in the air.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Night by Elis Wiesel chapter two questions

1. It was impossible for Elie to lie down because it was so crowded. There was 80 people in each group.

2. If the people on the train kept gold or silver or watches in their possession they would get shot on the spot.

3. According to Elie, Madame Schlachter was broken emotionally and out of her mind because she was seperated from her husband and two sons.

4. Madame Schlachter kept seeing fire, and a furnace that wasn't there.

5. To shut Madame Schlachter up the other people on the train tied her up, hit her, and put a gag in her mouth.

6. Madame Schlachter's little boy held her hand and cried while his mother was being beaten

7. The men who went to get water found out that Auschwitz had good conditions.Families would not be split up, only young people would have to go and work in factories, and the old men and invalids would be kept occupied in the fields.

8. The aabominable odor that was floating in the air was the smell of burning flesh.

9. Birkenau is the reception center for Auschwitz.

Monday, March 28, 2011

Review: Monsoon Wedding

I think the film Monsoon Wedding directed by Mira Nair was a very interesting movie that was well acted. The movie took place in Old Delhi and showed the marriage of a young couple, plus other love stories. The movie was full of characters that each had their own story. Such as Aditi the girl to be married but is having an affair, or Ria the cousin that is like a sister but is disturbed by her past. The movie portrays an arranged marriage and shows two Indian groups the Punjabis and the Bengali. It also shows conflict when the father Lalit has to choose with what is considered right and his daughter’s word. The costumes and set design are beautifully done, with all the colors; it expresses well the main aspects of an Indian wedding. This movie makes you think about differences in culture and tradition. I would give these movie 3 1/2 stars or 85%.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Indian weddings vs. traditional weddings

As seen in the movie Monsoon wedding, there are many differences and a few similarities between Indian weddings and traditional weddings. The wedding in the movie was full of bright colors. The decorations and even the bride herself were colorful. In the movie they tried to decorate with white but it was changed it because white was considered a color of mourning. In a traditional wedding here the bride wears white and the decorations tie in to a certain color palate. There isn’t much color in this wedding. The wedding in the movie is arranged and the groom and his family has not met the bride until the engagement party. Here a man and woman usually are together for a while or at least know each other before the man, proposes. These two people are in love and it is their choice to get married. The proposal was a planned party with both families. At the party the engagement is made official, like a proposal. In a traditional wedding usually the proposal is a surprise. In the movie the bridal shower was similar to a traditional bridal shower. The bridal shower in the movie was where all the women gathered and sang, and told jokes. Traditional bridal showers are similar woman gather and joke around and have a fun time. Men are not present at either of these bridal showers however in the bridal shower in the movie the men show up and dance around and celebrate.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

My Peace

Sleep, quiet, and restful
Waking to hear silence
This is my peace
Playing basketball
the swish of the net as the ball goes in
This is my peace
Laying on the beach
listening to the waves crash
This is my peace
snuggled in the blankets,
watching movies
This is my peace

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Let it be Forgotten by Sara Teasdale

Let it be forgotten, as a flower is forgotten,
(forgetting something like a flower is simply forgotten)
   Forgotten as a fire that once was singing gold,
(a fire is another thing that is just passed over)
Let it be forgotten for ever and ever,
(wants to forget)
   Time is a kind friend, he will make us old.
(with time she will forget, and become old)

If anyone asks, say it was forgotten
(its all forgotten)
   Long and long ago,
(it was a while ago)
As a flower, as a fire, as a hushed footfall
(things that are forgotten)
   In a long forgotten snow.
(ends it comparing it to snow)

I think that this poem says exactly what it means. It is talking about forgetting something. Maybe a mistake or a bad memory. Sara Teasdale compares forgetting this memory to forgetting about simple everyday things like flowers, fire, and snow. I choose this poem because it is simple but has a meaning that is clearly expressed.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Puedo Escribit Los Versos/ Tonight I Can Write

1. The line that is most memorable to me in "Tonight I Can Write" is "Love is so short, forgetting so long." This statement makes you think about the meaning of the poem and how exactly love is short.

3. I think that part of the speaker still love the woman. He says over and over that he no longer loves her when he says " I no longer love her, that's for certain..." but then he says after "but maybe I love her. I think he is confused and unsure, but part of him still loves her.

4. I think that the last two lines mean that he doesn't want to be without her, and it is painful not to have her with him.

6. I think that this poem is more similar to N. Scott Momaday's "Simile". I think this because in both, the people in it are in love. In "simile" the couple is fighting but you can tell there is still love here. In this poem he is confused and says he doesn't love her but always goes back to well maybe I do.

7. I think that so many poem are about love and loss because in today's society that makes up a big part of life. In a lifetime everybody experiences love and loss and therefore it is something everybody can eventually relate to. This is why many poems are about it because many people relate to it.

Love Without Love/ The Taxi

1. The image that stands out most to me is "like the bird on its branch, land in my arms only to rest, and then fly off again." This image makes me think of comfort.

2. I think the speaker's choice of images says that his relationship is love but not clingy dependent love. Hence the title Love without Love.

3. I think the title Love Without Love is saying that he has found love but it is not a typical relationship you see. It is more then friends with benefits but not the solid, always together relationship. I think this is a comfortable relationship.

4. I think that for some people Love without Love works. A relationship that is full of need and being dependent on one another, I view as unhealthy. However you need to be able to be comfortable and have someone to love just not in a clingy or needy way. I think this poem reflects some of my views on Love.

1. I would like to ask the speaker in the Taxis if she is alright. She misses this guy so much that she hurts herself. Nobody should be that needy.

2. I think that the speaker thinks love is wonderful. However obviously she thinks they need to be together all the time and that love is being together.

3. I think that "The Taxis" is an alright title for the poem because it takes place in a city and sets the scene but I think that there may have been better titles.

5. The two speakers in "Love Without Love", and "The Taxis" have completly different views on love and realtionships. The speaker in Love Without Love has a relationship that is comfortable and there when he needs it. He has someone to love but dosn't have to depend on them to much. In The Taxis the speaker is obsessed, needy, and depends on the other person in the realtionship. Without the other person she is miserable.

6. I think the speaker in "Love Without Love" view appeals more to me. This realtionship feels comfortable, and familiar and not obsessive.

Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Simile, Moon Rondeau, Woman

4. I think that it  is only possible for two people to remain close without sometimes quarreling if they never talk and express their feelings and opinions. However if you two people have a relationship they will most likely quarell sometimes.

1. The mood and feeling in this poem is tense and tight. You can tell there is some kind of "elephant in the room" so to speak and can feel that through the lines of the poem.

3. I think the speaker feels that there is hope for this relationship. I can tell this through the last line that reads " in whose limbs there is latent flight." With change this relationship will improve.


3. I think this poem is mainly about independence. The woman keeps trying to forge a relationship with this man and he keeps turning her down. However in the end she became a woman and even though he didn't want to be a man she decided it was all right.

4. I think that the woman now feels that her relationship with the man is nonexistent or worthless. She tried very hard to create a relationship and he turned her down multiple times and now she has become independent.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Sonnet 30

1. The line that is most memorable in this sonnet is the first one which says " Love is not all: it is not meat nor drink," This for me sums up the point of the poem in a catchy line.

5. Sonner 18 and Sonnet 30 both follow the same rhyme scheme and both have quatrain and couplet that emphasize main points. They also both have a line in the beginning that grabs your attention.

2. I think that these details all show what love can not do. They show every day things such as rain following again a roof, and a lung filled with breath. The sonnet shows these details as things that love can't do.

Sonnet 18

1. The basic comparison that is being made in the poem is comparing a person to a summers day.

2. The speaker probably feels love towards the person in the poem. The speaker believes this person is beautiful and believes the beauty will last forever, even when dead.

3. The question raised in the first line is opening the poem immediatly telling you of the comparison being made. The rhyme scheme shows the different thoughts the poet had and displays them in that pattern. The main points of each quatrain and couplet emphasize the main thoughts and all reflect back to the first line of the poem which was " Shall I compare thee to a summer's day?"

Those Winter Sundays Questions

1. Cold, Silence, Routine
  • Early Sunday Morning its the time recalled in this poem
  • The father goes out and heats the room and polishes the shoes
  • The child speaks indifferently to his father
3. The speaker is a child recalling Sunday mornings and how his father took care of them by warming the room and polishing the shoes. I think the speaker is questioning how he treated his father as a child, and what life was like.

4. Some lessons that could be learned from this poem are don't take things for granted or appreciate what you have.

5. In the Piano he is recalling a childhood memory that he misses and wishes he was still a child. In "Those WInter Sundays" he is recalling a memory he may not be particulary fond of and maybe not want to relive.

6. These poems make me hope that I will look back on my childhood and not regret anything but also not want to go back. I always want to live life by doing my best.

The Piano Questions

1. In this poem the memory that is being recalled is of the child sitting under the piano as he listens to his mother play the piano.

2. The speaker says "weeps like a child for the past" because he misses how his life was as a child and those sunday evenings he has with his mother. He missed the "glamour of childish days" and "the old sunday evenings at home."

4. The speaker says "now it is vain for the singer to burst to clamour" meaning it is useless because he is not a child, it is not his mother and he is not sitting under the piano listening to his mother sing and play like he used to as a child. That memory can not be brought back.

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

New Years Resolutions

As thus New Year hath come I will come with mine ten resolutions. First, I mustith continue to keepith my grades high. Second, I would liketh if iI could maintain my relationships with my friends and family. Third I want to continueth my sports at thine best level. Fourth, I want to keepith my health, and not get sick. Fifth, I want to live life to the fullest, and be happith. Sixth, I want to improveth on thine helping with others. Seventh, I am going to be thine best person I can beith. Eighth, I am going to saveth my money to spend wisely on things of great importance. Ninth, I want to overcome my fear of change. Lastly, I want to try and fullfilith my News Resolutions.