Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Chapter 22 Questions

1. Mik-Api's Wife was part of the Black Paints Tribe and she died two years after they had been married.

2.Mik-Api knew he wouldn't marry again by the time he was of 35 winters because he knew that nobody would marry him because people feared his powers.

3.Red Paint intended to surprise her father Yellow Kidney that she was pregnant.

4.Red Paint wanted her father to name the baby.

5.The visitor that told Mik-Api that Fools Crow had went to find Fast Horse was Raven.

6.Mik-Api predicts that the Napikwans are going to attack before the many-drums moon.

7.Red Paint is afraid for the future of her family and her people, of Fools Crow and herself.

8. Joe Kipp thinks the world of the Pikunis, that they are some horse-takers, and that either way they are going to lose in the end.

9.Three Bears and the others decide that they will wait for the other groups to get Joe Kipps message and then Rides at the Door will represent the Lone Eaters at the seizer.

10.The White Man's Water make the men and woman make bad decisions and act unrationally. The woman are starting to drink it and are becoming "ugly".

1. One Spot gets attacked by a rabid wolf and becomes very sick and hurt.

2.The Wolf is rabid.

3.Fools Crow washes One Spot off and wraps him tightly up and burns grasses. He does this like Mik-Api taught him because Mik-Api is away.

4.One Spot ends up calming down and eventually relaxes.

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