Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Caesars Assasination

It was March 15th when Julius Caesar got assassinated going to the senate house. That previous evening his wife Calpurnia had a dream to this same effect but despite this Caesar chose to go. Along with his wife’s advice to stay home Caesar had also been warned by the soothsayer of the Ides of March. However despite this on the Ides of March Caesar was stabbed by the conspirators Cassius, Casca, Decius, Cinna, Metullus, and even Caesars close friend Brutus. Caesar fell after being stabbed last by Brutus, where he said, “Et tu, Brute.” Mean while Caesars loyal follower Antony has left. The conspirators then smeared their arms with Caesars blood. Antony returned and states that he too would like to die now because it would be an honor to be killed by the men who killed Caesar, at the same time with the same weapons. They do not kill Antony but it is decided that Caesar would have a funeral where Brutus would speak explaining the conspirators reasons for killing Caesar, and Antony would also be allowed to give his speech. However nobody knows how the citizens will take the news of Caesars tragic death.

1 comment:

  1. You got the facts. Keep sentences short and uncomplicated when writing news. And, watch the punctuation!
    Happy New Year!
    ms. R
