Sunday, January 30, 2011

Puedo Escribit Los Versos/ Tonight I Can Write

1. The line that is most memorable to me in "Tonight I Can Write" is "Love is so short, forgetting so long." This statement makes you think about the meaning of the poem and how exactly love is short.

3. I think that part of the speaker still love the woman. He says over and over that he no longer loves her when he says " I no longer love her, that's for certain..." but then he says after "but maybe I love her. I think he is confused and unsure, but part of him still loves her.

4. I think that the last two lines mean that he doesn't want to be without her, and it is painful not to have her with him.

6. I think that this poem is more similar to N. Scott Momaday's "Simile". I think this because in both, the people in it are in love. In "simile" the couple is fighting but you can tell there is still love here. In this poem he is confused and says he doesn't love her but always goes back to well maybe I do.

7. I think that so many poem are about love and loss because in today's society that makes up a big part of life. In a lifetime everybody experiences love and loss and therefore it is something everybody can eventually relate to. This is why many poems are about it because many people relate to it.

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